I’m sorry to break it to you, but all of my published stories are not originally written.
Yes I have confession that 90% of my writing here supported by AI such a Grammarly and ChatGpt, I need these tools to correct the grammar and the tone of my writings.
Despite that, English is not my first language and I know my lack with grammar is incontrovertible (It shown on my last TOEFL test)
This is why I’m a little bit too dependent with it.
Does it make me a fraud?
Well I guess yes, I’ve been pondering this issues lately. What if the AI gone? Would I still make a good story to read? Do I still considered myself as a writer?
Indeed AI makes my work done faster, I don’t need to open dictionary manually and I could asked them to find alternative way to correct my sentences.
For that reason it helped me to finished my work, specifically in technical problems.
So today, I really want to challenge myself to create story without the need of using AI assistants.
I write this on my phone notes so Grammarly won’t automatically correct my writing. I probably going to transfer this on laptop and I will still not make any correction, even if I see many red line on the screen. I have my words.
Perhaps I will post this story on my mobile app Medium, so it won’t break me so much to see Grammarly roast my letter for many grammatical errors that pops up.
Yes this is better Idea!
This challenge I creates for myself, which I hope sharpen my skills on writing, and this is also force me to polish my writing without need to ask Chatgpt if my sentences gives clarity enough to the reader or not; now you caught me red handed.
I will try to do many proofreading as much as I could, to see if perhaps I miss something here.
If you reading this now, it means I’m confident enough to post it publicly.
This is my first originally written without Grammarly or ChatGPT assistance. I hope I can get across my messages toward my readers.
Do you find it amusing to read this raw story?
You can also give some highlight of mistaken grammar’s I have made on this story or other than that to help me improve as a writer, I will appreciate it a lot.
Thank you so much for reading!